The therapeutic potentialities offered by the REAC technology are large and multidisciplinary and open up completely new perspectives in the world of advanced therapies.
This is why it is essential that any potential clinical application of REAC Technology – as it should be for any new therapeutic tool, both drug or me- dical device – is supported by an adequate basic research that explains the mechanisms of action and provides evidence for the absolute safety and efficacy of the treatment.
It is scientifically demonstrated that REAC protocols for Regenerative Medi- cine can induce direct reprogramming of adult differentiated cells. In fact, the exposure of human adult somatic cells (in this case human skin fibro- blasts) to REAC Technology can induce in them an in-differentiation and re- programming process towards cell lines of other type, in this study toward cardiac, neuronal and skeletal muscle lineages, which are the three major target lineages for regenerative medicine.
The specific REAC protocols for regenerative medicine do not require gene- tic engineering, therefore they are non-invasive and totally secure. This re- sult allows to overcome the problems associated with the use of embryonic stem cells and it turns into therapeutic reality the outcomes that Shinya Ya- manaka, 2012 Nobel Prize for Medicine, has originally produced by genetic engineering of mouse cells, turning them into stem cells.
This is why in the next future the REAC protocols of bio stimulation may be the choice of excellence in the prevention and treatment of neurodegene- rative diseases (i.e. Parkinson’s and Alzheimer’s), in the Post Stroke and in degenerative pictures as post traumatic, rheumatic or osteo-articular dege- nerative diseases.
Bio Stimulation with REAC Technology is a key tool in Anti-senescence me- dicine, since it is able to reprogram cell fate and maintain active and ef- fective, in absolute safety, the biological and neurological processes that gradually go into decline with age. It counters the progressive loss of mental and motor skills and the deterioration of the functions of all systems of the body. Preventing the psycho-physical and degenerative diseases related to aging enables to increase the expectation of duration and quality of life: to live longer aging healthy.
The REAC Technology dramatically expands and revolutionizes the concept of Advanced rehabilitation, not only restoring the altered functions, but also determining the synergistic optimization of all functions of the body, for a real improvement in the quality of life. Rinaldi and Fontani strongly believe – and this belief, this sentiment, this concept underlie the Rinaldi Fontani Institute Foundation – that the mission of medicine is to search for a better quality of life and to make every effort so that the achievements of the scientific research and clinical practice can be accessible to every- body and health and welfare can be not a privilege of the few but a real right for everyone.
The research about the possible applications of REAC Technology has a great social value, as great is the potential impact of the REAC technology on social welfare and public health, from prevention to treatment of specific pathological conditions. The REAC Technology is safe, painless, non-invasive and absolutely free of side effects, it is applied by standardized protocols and it is easy to use and to transport. Its operating costs are very low and low investments make it possible to start up clinical facilities for the appli- cation of therapeutic protocols with REAC technology, both in the field of public health and in the private sector.
The applications of REAC Technology – both known and yet to be explored
– will allow the health system to save resources, because REAC protocols are able to shorten recovery time and to enable a healthy and self-sufficient aging process, thanks to better strategies for disease prevention and to bet- ter rehabilitation treatments. Based on these assumptions, the Rinaldi Fon- tani Institute Foundation, in collaboration with the research institutes and universities with which has been establishing fruitful cooperation, has selec- ted the areas of research where the results of the preliminary studies are most promising and has designed some research projects that are expec- ted to have a very important impact on social welfare and public health.